Produced by T2PTV
Filmed by Bruce Nairn
Edited by Ashley Love
Special thanks all those who contributed to make this possible:
Mike Coe/Cate Muller Terhune on Alchemist
Bermuda Tourism Authority
Bob Fox on Sly
Peter Gibbons-Neff on PGN Ocean Racing
Reeves Hollar on Trouble No Trouble
Nate Owens on Poco a Poco
Meg Reilly on Hermes courtesy of Ocean Racers @
Andy Schell @
Patrick Smith and James Collins on Pride of Baltimore II @
Jason Tomchik on Atlantis
David Waiting on Mana
Featured boats include:
Alchemist, Mike Coe
Atlantis, Joel Aronson
Beau Geste, Karl Kwok
Cimarron, Lynn McClaskey
Hermes, Morgen Watson & Meg Reilly, Ocean Racers
Mana, David Neal
PGN Ocean Racing, Peter Gibbons-Neff
Poco A Poco, Nate Owens
Pride of Baltimore II, Pride of Baltimore, Inc.
Schematic, Bob Fox
Sjambok, Michael Brennan
Sly, Bob Fox
Trouble No Trouble, Brian Gray
Valhalla, Valhalla Sailing Project, Mike Wood Exec. Director
Velocity 445 Racing, John Schafer